Thursday, November 15, 2012

Oven Puffed Pancake

We love pancakes around here! When we lived in Chicago we frequented a pancake joint called Walker Brothers. The had Dutch Boys and Puffed two faves!!

Imagine my delight when I ran across a recipe for puffed pancakes. It is super easy but you do have to follow the directions correctly.

You will need:
2 Tbsp butter or margarine
3 eggs
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup milk
1/4 tsp salt
pastry toppings of choice: fresh fruit, powdered sugar, syrup, whipped cream

To Do:
First you must take a pie tin or something with sides, place the butter inside one pie tin, and toss it into a preheated 400° oven. You must only use one recipe per pie tin! The batter must be light enough to pop up on the side and putting too much into a small pie tin will not create the effect you're looking for.

While the pie tin is heating up and the butter is melting (5-7 min), begin by whipping your three full eggs till they are combined. At the half cup milk and whip till combined, then add the flour and salt, whip until combined. The batter cannot be lumpy so you may have to use an electric mixer to accomplish this. You will put the batter directly into the hot, butter covered, pie tin and close the oven door. Then watch the oven puff your pancake ;-)

You can see with this large crew that we end up using many bowls, whipping several different batters, and using several different pie tins ;-)

Top with powdered sugar, cinnamon sugar, fresh fruit, whipped cream, or whatever!


  1. Pancakes don't do much for me, but you have made them appealing. Maybe....

  2. Puffed pancakes ... that's new to me ... still debating ... wondering if I want to go to that much trouble, ha ha.

