Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm actually doing it!!!

Mommy's Idea
I am getting a Friday Fragments in!!  I know it, it's been a while, yes it has.  We did move across the country, unpack a house, get our bearings, organize said house, and also found time to hike a new favorite place this last month or so.... I get a by on blogging, right??

Actually, here is the deal.  I don't get to be online infinitely here.  We pay by the usage, you know, MB of streaming use, so I just CAN'T sit here all day and play around or blog or even read blogs like I used to in MD.  The other part is that we are having summer break here with school, which also means no one is sitting down for long here.  I apologize for my lack of commenting and reading.  I will buzz around the blog world as I can, promise ;-)

We made a hard decision moving here to 'detox' ourselves from the electronic world.  I needed to limit my computer time, the kids needed unplugged from the TV, so we thought: new location, new rules.  The Army movers chose to help us out and broke our TV during this PCS.  To be honest, we haven't missed it at all.  We have been outdoors having a great time and my jeans are a bit looser now :-)

We found snow and a frozen lake during our 4th of July hike.  I feel like kicking myself for the months of sedentary life in MD, because I am feeling it now.  I made it over half way up the side of this baby mountain before my knees gave a little warning.  I should get credit for listening this time.  But I had the joy of sitting with a 2 year old throwing a fit over being left behind with the old lady.

Word of wisdom: DON'T underdo recovery from any injury!!!  My knees got banged up while I was impatiently recovering from nerve damages.  While you are healing JUST STAY SITTING!!!  Let other people do stuff for you and you will keep all the cartilage in and around your necessary joints!!!

Can you believe the massive heat wave going on???  My SIL said that her vehicle registered 107* yesterday.  That is crazy!!  Folks may be jealous of our cool temps right now, but they won't want our winter temps ;-)  I told my friend, Jamers, that we just needed to find a middle ground between her SC heat and my AK cool.  Would that be Montana, do you think????

I stink at fishing :-(  My hubby is bringing them in, we even had a huge rainbow trout given to us today.  The stupid fish will take all my bait, but won't take the whole dang hook!!!  Anyway, I have never had so much fish junk and slime and blood running around my sink ;-)  I can't wait for hunting season, right???  ;-)

I keep telling myself that I need to be more patient, but I just use way too much patience in the rest of my life!!!  I have none left over for fishing... that's my story!!


  1. Looks like you moved almost as far across our country as you could have. Wow!

    Uphill walking is tough, you'll get back in shape now that your TV is broken.

    Now I'm off to treadmill walk while watching's flat here!

    1. Flat, treadmill, and TV do sound fun! We sure did move about as far as the US could move us ;-) It is worth the drive if you ever get the chance, truly it is!

  2. Are you fresh water or salt water fishing? I can catch fresh water pan fish, but there is a DEFINITE knack to catching walleyes (which are also fresh water) and salt water fish. And I "ain't" got that knack.

    Fisherhubby does - - - thus the name.

    I think I told you when you first said you'd be moving to AK that I have a niece in Sitka. Her hubby is a CG rescue 'copter pilot - - - David Birky. Now if any of your family ever needs a rescue, and the pilot's name is David Birky, you'll know it's my nephew-in-law.

    We were HOT here on the 4th - - - NO FROZEN PONDS anywhere around!! I got in my car in the garage yesterday afternoon and it was 113 in the garage!!! That is NOT normal for this time of year in Central Wisconsin, let me tell ya!

    1. I will remember David's name for when we go out halibut fishing, which I will probably stink at too ;-) I think we will be traveling over by Sitka next summer, just to say we did it. That will have to be by ferry, I think.

      Yea, WI should NEVER have that hot a temp in the summer, that is just off the chain!!! I hope you are avoiding heat exhaustion :-)

  3. Good for you guys on detoxing from your electronics! I need to do more of that. I love your heat wave cartoon... that has been my hair for the last two weeks. It's all ponytails and buns until the fall. :) Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. It's actually been harder on me moving away from my blogging and the kids hardly skip a bit these days.... old dogs, and all that ;-)

      My hair goes just NUTS with heat too. But keeping it up does help with keeping cook, ya?? Have a good one, too!

  4. Congrats on the hike and your looser jeans! Yay! Enduring the heat here I'm thinking we would be well-suited for AK. Ken and I both survived Ft. Drum, NY, so I think we could handle the AK winter, as well. We just hosted a family of five for several days after they lost power and water in the storm last week. Great fellowship, but a bit of chaos. Funny how quiet the house seems now with just six of us. Glad to hear that you are getting settled and enjoying the land. We miss you!

    1. Isn't it funny to find rest in your large herd?? I am so glad you were able to have a family over to give them rest from this heat!!!

  5. Replies
    1. I am trying, but you know how that goes. I have moments of grand irritation that I struggle with.

  6. Oh my! I can't believe you found snow!!!

    Take care of yourself. I know how hard that can be...I am always going and going even when I don't feel well...but it really does make a difference if you take a little time to rest. Hope you feel good as new soon!

    1. Thank you!! My body is asking for a break from all the activity, but the kids are so excited about being here....

  7. Thanks for commenting on our blog at

    Like you guys, we don't have cable either here in Okinawa. And our groceries and electricity is HIGH! Our electricity bill was over $300 this month. Of course, we get COLA, but I'm guessing you guys don't? Sure sounds like you should. Groceries here are out of this world expensive!

    Glad to see that you're all settling in. It takes awhile, huh? ;)

    1. We actually do get COLA, but that pay has not kicked in yet. We are trying to spread those 'startup' expenditures so we keep it sane in budget land. How did the move go for you guys?

  8. I remember one summer on the 4th of July, we went up in the CO Rockies for a picnic...snow there too, AND it actually was snowing while we were grilling hot dogs over an open campfire. Awwwww, good memories.

    And you posted: 'detox' ourselves from the electronic world. Yep, yep....we try and do only an hour or so total online each day. And some days not even get on at all. It actually feels good and we accomplish a lot more when not bothered by the 'electronic world' as you say.
