- last week, on the day of Bekah's bdaynparty, I dropped my contact on the floor of the grocery store and couldn't find it. Even with the help of all the kids and a couple fellow patrons, the thing was lost.
- this forced me to upgrade my RX, which I was hoping to do in AK. But a strange thing is that I really like my glasses and all the current pollen in MD is making my contacts uncomfy. It is a VERY weird thing to want to wear my glasses... I usually don't!
- this weekend we took a day trip with several hours in the va, sort of 'priming the pump', if you will, for our long trip. It was crazy, but we were able to see how rusty we all are at road tripping, and hopefully address some of that.
-We have now knocked several things off our 'bucket list' in the area. One last weekend trip to Williamsburg, VA should seal the deal. Is anyone else thinking of hitting it over memorial weekend?
- I keep misplacing, or I am having help misplacing, our luggage. Today I can't find the other nice large suitcase that I was hoping to pack into for the trip. How on earth does so,etching that size get lost?!
- Our 2yr old video camera quick yesterday. I don't think the toddler killed it, but I really have no idea why it tossed in the towel. I was really hoping to use it while we hit all the historic sites this month :-( I don't think there is time to get it looked at and fixed in a week. So I get to look crazy techy taking pictures with my iPad. It does not zoom well but the basic pictures are amazing!!
- I didn't have time to eBay or freecycle things like I had hoped.
-My days look a whole lot like this right now :
- I lose Internet soon, and I will miss it very much. Isn't that very sad? no blogging, no blog reading, no email....yikes.
- With no ear piece for my phone I really can't chat that way these days either. Andrea, how are you doing and how is school going?
- I put the twitter thing up near the top of my blog so I could at East keep folks informed that way. You DON'T have to follow me, you can just get the updates here, ok??
-- The moving people actually loaded a couple crates yesterday so our house is looking very bare!!
-- My toddler irritated a cat last night and got an arm full of claws. I was proud of my hubby...the cat is still alive. I believe it is because the cat didn't agress, he just defended himself from an advancing scary child.
-- Tonight I should get us plugged in to the Internet at our hotel so I can read up on some blogs, so please be patient. I shall read through the FF as I can. I am looking forward to my reading. I love Friday Fragments.
Holy cow--I've missed a lot over here! My sister lives in AK, and she loves it. Here's hoping the rest of your move goes smoothly! And how great is it that you're not moving "away" in Blogland?! :)
ReplyDeleteYou have been so busy and spread thin, no worries. Thank you for your sweet encouragement!! I never thought I would really enjoy blogging and meeting folks out there who are so sweet... just like a certain hostess I know.... and I don't mean LIttle Debbie ;-)
DeleteSchool starts back up next Monday. We will be keeping you in our prayers as you go through another transition. Call when you can.
ReplyDeleteI will try to do so. Ben nearly grounded me from my phone today after all the texting I was doing :-(