Nope, this week's subject just popped up.. quite literally. I am sitting in our hotel room with the 2 youngest. The older kids are having a blast with daddy in the free arcade here (again, thanks so much Edie!!!) After stripping #5 down, he ran over to the potty and lifted the seat. I asked him if he wanted to go potty, he said yes. Sure enough the child went potty. This is the first time I have seen it, but last week my daughter held the child over the potty before bath and he did both businesses for her.
I don't remember my oldest potty training. When we hit that milestone, I was in school full time, working the pre-dawn shift at UPS, and attempting to be human the other moments ;-) I do remember that my MIL kept telling me that pull ups would never work, the child needed to feel the stuff and understand his body better. I purchased some of those plastic coated training pants, and I do remember it being pretty quick after that.
My daughter, however, was truly a challenge. She chose to be potty trained by herself. She was 18 months and told me "I wanna go big potty now mommy." She sure enough did. She did all her business like a champ, was in panties right away... it was amazing!! Then we came back home from visiting family (where all the grands and the aunts were just gaga over her major accomplishment) and she informed me that she was all done going big potty. And the strong willed little 'darling' wouldn't do anything on the big potty. Daddy got her to use the big potty by promising to take her picture if she did it.
My middle child is a bit of a blur. when he started potty training, I was living with my folks, hubby was deployed, and I am sure I had help. Josh was a struggle because he would do part of his business just fine. For some reason the solid waste just bothered him very much and just wouldn't do that in any potty. It was a struggle. My Josh is also the child that if he was busy playing, he would rather go in his pants or just drop trou in the yard instead of heading to the bathroom to do his business. It was crazy!!!
For #4, I went the lazy, super pregnant, route. We had just moved to MD and hubby was seriously concerned about me not starting with the almost 3yr old. All the other had been introduced around 2 and we did a slow and steady approach. I let hubby know that I was going to allow him to potty train #4. So JJ was potty trained in just over a week, during my husband's house hunting time off. It was amazing!!
Now our darling Noah, #5, has basically decided to not wait for his slow mother, and will go in the potty by himself. Good things sure do come to those who wait...or are too lazy to make it happen right??
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