Wednesday, January 16, 2013

WW Catching up

I am the worst picture-taker in the world. I will take tons of pictures, but won't ever do anything with them. So this is my 'catch up' posting of pictures for Wordless Wednesday.

does this suit make me look small??

the fate of a Christmas tree in the home of pyros

snowball makers, they work!!

my BIL's annual Green Bay Cookie

yes, this is Noah sleeping during devotions ;-)

this is also Noah asleep....slight narcoleptic??

my best friend and her boys!!

The handsomest man EVER!!!!
Very kissable ;-)

WOOHOO it's snowing!!!

*Would anyone be willing to create a blog hop so the same list could be on multiple sites?? Just curious.


  1. Great photos! I'm guilty of the same thing, taking pics and never doing anything with them!
