I was looking through drafted blog posts and stumbled across this one that was never published. Reading back through it, I realized just how selfish I can be. The things that bother me or crawl under my skin are really not that bad. Most of the time, those emotions are passing vapors and tiny in comparison to the rest of the world. I am so grateful for the people that God has put into my life. They help me to keep a good perspective and remind me that I really don't have it too bad.
My White Girl Troubles
Originally written April 2012
Before anyone strings me up for racism...this post is brought to you by:
~~April, my sister who helps me keep it real and gave me the title.
~~Rachel, who blogged about it first after coming home from Ethiopia with her adopted children.
Recently, when I was sending out my usual sanity saving text messages, my darling baby sister wrote back "Aw, are we having 'white girl troubles'?". Of course being older and out of the loop I asked her what that meant. Apparently some comedian was poking fun at the privileged folks and their privileged problems. After listening to Rachel talk about what she saw and experienced in Ethiopia during her adoption process, I happen to think that most Americans have 'white girl troubles'.
We sleep in homes with running water, if we have trouble the police are a quick phone call away. When they show up they are helpful and don't require bribes for assistance. Most of us have cars that start and run or we have access to public trans. We have indoor kitchens, we have local groceries and we can afford to be as picky as we want in them. And I, myself, have whined about my blessings...instead of being thankful.
My Troubles
1. We are moving.
2. My children are driving me nuts.
3. Our next rental will be a downsize and I have moments of whininess. about that.
4. My latte machine died.
5. We bought a new van, I just don't like minivans :-(
Do you know why these whines are so silly? Because:
- How many people get to see the many different parts of the US like me? I have experienced many different cultures just within the US and have gained friends all over it. I believe this also helps me to understand and appreciate the people of this Nation more.
- I should feel blessed to have children. Sure it can be challenging, but God has helped me to be humble by bringing very dear friends into my life who have been unable to bear their own children. As I have hurt along side them while they mourn a miscarriage, I am reminded that God granted me these children for a reason. It helps me to remember not to squander this experience.
- I have a home, and I have the ability to be selective about what sort of home I have!! It is always a blessing to adapt to things BY CHOICE instead of reacting to forced circumstance. The downsize is a good thing as we prepare for a future of financial responsibility with less.
- I joke around quite a bit about that latte machine, but I have come to depend on it, maybe more than I should. Should I find such joy in something that is not God centered?
- Hello, bought a new van. How many people can say that today?
I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:10-13
Have you blogged about anything in the past that you have a new perspective on now? Would you like to share that with me?
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