Monday, May 21, 2012

Birthday Memories

Memory LaneWelcome to a fun birthday edition of Memory Lane.  Our baby Noah turned 2 this past Saturday.  I have tidbit memories to share with you from Noah's birth, May of 2010.

Noah was an unplanned child.  Not like our other 4 unplanned babies, Noah was actually avoided, in a sense.  We had 4 children already, I knew I would be homeschooling the kids and I knew that I was already feeling pretty worn out some days.  

September 2010
But Noah indeed came along.   Because we already had 3 boys, we had all prayed for a little girl.  I was very sick...just as sick as I had been with Bekah so we were all convinced that we were indeed having a little girl.  We had a shock, and some tears shed the day of the ultrasound.  My daughter ran to her room and slammed her door after 'show and tell'.

November 2010
Big Army chose to move us to MD in my 9th month.  So four weeks from 'Go' we moved in to our home here.   I find it very ironic that we are moving again, right near his 2 year birthday.  

We planned a C section after the struggles following birthing #4, but it ended up not quite begin the 'easy' button that we had hoped it would be.  The doc nicked my placenta and that caused me to hemorrhage 50% of my blood.

June 2011
I remember that they asked me 5x during the C section if I really wanted my tubiligation.  I had to laugh at that point.  I reminded them it was my 5th child, I asked them to cut and cauterize the tubes, or take all the reproductive organs out for donation.  

I was so weak from my tubiligation that my best friend slept with my new born on the pull out couch, she did all the diapers, she supplemented a few bottle feedings when my milk was not coming in (a side effect of the massive blood loss), and had my back when my husband was terrified of a transfusion.  

May 2011
His birthing was the first time I have ever gone toe-to-toe with the nursing people in complete disagreement.  I have nursed all of my children and knew something was off with how hungry Noah was acting.  He was not getting what he wanted from me and my body was just trying to resupply my wasn't caring about feeding another human being.

He has always been a bit fussy and demanding.  He has always been very attached to me, meaning that I have not been able to leave him in the nursery or with babysitters.  He is a ham, a cheese, a joker, an attention hog... and he is our baby, in every sense of the word.

Happy Birthday, Noah.  

This video was taken on his second birthday. When he looks down, you should be able to see the hair trim he gave to himself that day ;-)


  1. I can not believe I have never met this darling in person. Would Uncle Sam PLEASE cooperate with us on the next assignment? Pretty please?

    1. I know it, right!!! I am so hoping for another east coast assignment. I have already determined that we must all be around Williamsburg next time. I even found us houses for sale on the same block ;-) Such a nice "coincidink" I must say.
