Thursday, April 19, 2012

Uh oh, new toy.

I figured out some new things on our iTouch today;-). One of them is the blogger app. Another was email. See the home computer died and hubby takes Candy (his MacBook) to work with him. That left me Internet-less till someone said "why not use the iTouch?" Duh.

Here are some very cute pics of my best friend and her adorable boys. The cutie in glasses is my godson :-)


  1. Great pictures and cute kids! I have a new phone, too and not of the tutorials can take me back as far as my ignorance extends. We've had "throwaways" until now and they are more my speed.

  2. Awww! Such cuties! I use my itouch in bed so I don't bother Chris when I can't sleep :)
