Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It has been so crazy insane here at the house that I just have not had either the time or the energy to finish a blog post.  I currently have 5 half posts sitting as drafts waiting for my brain to complete them... maybe never ;-)  But since I missed my memory lane this week, I wanted to share some Easter memories I have, as well as some photos that just warmed my heart from Sunday... the Easter I was completely absent ;-)

My sisters brought their hubbies and children over to the 'rents house Sunday.  I can guarantee there was some great food, laughter, games, and some giggling... always the sound of kids giggling these days.  I was absent, being my current 5 states away, but my wonderful, soft hearted father sent an email with pictures letting us know we were missed very much.  Thanks, dad, we miss being home also!!!

Our Easter was spent being quite spoiled at our friend's house, having been adopted into their family.  There was laughter, a great ham, some rocking green bean casserole, and lots of laughter from the kids.  There was a few months old golden lab puppy for the kids to torture play with, huge frisbees and Papa's riding lawnmower wagon.  (that was NOT a toy, as the boys quickly found out)

I have a few distinct Easter memories from my childhood.  Easter egg hunting can't be remembered without going back to my cousin's acreage and running all over the huge property hunting eggs.  I am pretty positive the adults did such a good job hiding the suckers just to enjoy laughing at our confusion, trying to find them.  They were up in trees, almost under sheds, in the chicken coop!!!  Yea, talk about challenging!  I wonder if my uncle Rich was in charge of hiding them... I also fondly remembering my cousin Sam  and I hitting each other with our egg carriers fighting over an egg that I had clearly found first!!

I also remember an old 8mm film of my younger sister and I walked up to the pulpit where my Grandfather had called all the children to while he told us about the empty tomb.  I love watching that video and how the matching dresses swished around our ankles as I hauled Bethy back to our pew ;-)

I remember our long standing tradition of hunting for our Easter baskets all around the house.  I remember having a tough time finding mine one year... maybe it was in a closet, but I do remember snitching some candy from the sisters' buckets that year I just could not find mine ;-)  Maybe my mother was in on those egg hunts at the acreage as well....

I hope your Easter was pleasant and full of wonderful memories to pass down to your children someday :-)


  1. It was very hard to get Bri to look up. She wanted to play with this new find... grass!!

  2. We definitely missed your whole crew! Kate needed help finding those eggs! Shoot, I needed help finding mine too!! I'm pretty sure all the adults enjoyed laughing at us ;)
