Kay and I met in the summer of 2002 in Village Manor...aka Southern Seminary housing in Louisville, KY. What a life change we were all experiencing and to find others going through the same struggles and transition was so comforting. She had only 1 child at the time, as did I. My how time changes things...we now have 9 children between us. God sure has a sense of humor, no? My oldest daughter, Ali, actually got little Danny talking. She constantly made him repeat what she said...like ALL THE TIME! :)
I remember sneaking off for a little Panera Bread break every now and again. Such fond memories. We were all SO incredibly broke that we would often get together for meals to just have social time. It was a time in our lives where we were so not trying to impress each other with gourmet meals...but with a "here is what we are having tonight and you are welcome to join us" attitude. I will always remember our time in Louisville with such fondness.
We have remained friends across the miles since our time in seminary. God moved us to Houston, TX where he chose to bless our lives with 3 internationally adopted children. Now that I also have a larger family, it is so wonderful to get suggestions and such from a seasoned pro of larger families! I'm thankful for that.
Kay, all this to say that I have cherished our friendship over the years more than you know. I'm still hopeful that ONE day you guys will get an assignment to TX! A gal can dream, can't she? :) Here's to wishing you a fabulous birthday sweet friend.
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