This week has been 'vacation recovery' for all of us. My kids had a wonderful week with their grandparents who actually took the whole herd to a park one day!! Wow! None of us really feel like keeping to a schedule, but we must. School exams are an annual thing, so we must stay focused.
I need to get onto my hubby's computer so I can upload pictures of our vacation. We put so much on the SD card that I downloaded pictures every couple days, so we could keep taking pictures ;-) That is backfiring now since I have nothing to show you from the school computer... ooops.
We had "one of those days" this week:
Someone left the pantry door open, so Noah grabbed the pancake mix my FIL left and dumped it onto the floor!! My sweet dog helped me to clean that mess up.
Then someone left the sugar shaker on the table, Noah got a hold of that and dumped it all over the table, chair, floor, and himself. A very sticky toddler met me at the bathroom door.
This was all done by 9:30am. I won't recap the fighting, screaming, and tugging. We didn't make it to coop that day and mommy sent everyone to bed for nap time. She had a coffee break in silence, much needed.
My sister is a mere 2 weeks away from having her first baby. I am very excited about this!! I was talking with her last night and she is just ready to see Gabriel. Talking with her brought back all the birthing memories...I am so thankful to be done with all that :-) If any more children enter this home, it will be through adoption, which I am very open to.
We have an exciting meeting tomorrow. Very exciting, very nerve racking. We are waiting to see what the Military draw down will look like, and curious to see if my hubby gets the ax. God is good, all the time. All we have to do is glance in the 'rear view mirror' to be reminded of His faithfulness in the past... we just need to be patient while we are waiting for His instructions as to whether we turn or stay the course. My control freak nature struggles with this ;-)
I hope you all have a great weekend!!
Today's flashback comes from my son's favorite oldie's song right now, enjoy :-)
I'm having "one of those days" today. I hit a parked car and had to leave a note. Now I'm anxiously waiting for them to call. In SF, that could take up to a week because people leave their cars parked on the street for up to a week until street cleaning. I'm so bummed.
ReplyDeleteI can totally see why a kid would love that song.
ReplyDeleteHow did the meeting go?!
Here's to a less-messy week :)
What a BUMMER. Let's hope karma serves you well on this account!
ReplyDeleteOh wow! I haven't heard that song in forever! Good one!
ReplyDeleteHope the meeting went as you hoped and you enjoyed your "silent coffee break". Sometimes we need those to save our sanity!
Thank you, it did go well, hopefully we will have good news to share later.
ReplyDeleteThe meeting went well, thanks for asking. I will get to share more details later. I hope it's a less messy week, but Noah may not agree with that ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh no, that's terrible. Why on earth would they just leave it there in your way? ;-) Goofballs. I do hope that turns out ok though. We have been hit 2x in a parking lot and never had a note left, that was very honest of you!!
ReplyDeleteI agree!! Kindness should be returned!