Friday, September 30, 2011

Fragments in Fall

Mommy's IdeaFriday has come, once again.  Yay Friday!  Please join in with Mrs 4444's and her Friday Fragments.  It's actually a whole lot of fun going on ;-)

Last Friday was technically the first day of Autumn.  I love the cooler weather and I happily pulled out my sweaters and jeans :-)  My hubby really loves this time of year, too.  I am sure we have a driving trip planned soon to see the colors in PA.  We really enjoy the east coast and the trees here that offer such a glorious example of God's creative color palate.

I missed last weeks FF because I was just exhausted.  Our nice, expensive, HE dryer stopped drying clothes :-(  So we had to do a load a day, spread it all over every flat surface in the house and wait the 10 or so hours for a batch to fully dry.  Then we had to shake out the stiff clothes and fold them.  It added so much to my day on top of schooling and such.  I just didn't get much done outside of necessities.  I missed it.

My text messaging is my life saver!!  I have buddies that I can text out to for humor, for support, and for whatever I may need.  This week was a week of mommy feeling poorly, the kids were trying, and I still had to do everything on my plate.  I love being able to reach out to other moms at the moment when I need it.  Thank you technology!!!

Here are some of my favorite tweets again from my cousin:
  • "When a man is wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package."- John Ruskin 1819-1900  (@montedutton)
  • "Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."- Theodore Roosevelt (@westwingreport)
  • "Evil works on borrowed time & power.  It can affect your circumstance but perspective is up to you.  Fight for joy.  Hab 3:17-18 (@lecrae)
  • Everyone comes to Washington,  DC promising to shake things up.  The earthquake proved that even shaking things up doesn't change a thing. (@donnabrazile)
  • Stereotypes are wrong.  That being said, how many astrophysicist are planning to sit on the couch watching NASCAR today? (@torghammerstien)
  • You're not weird... you're limited edition.  (@redbull)
  • People ALWAYS say to me "Kenny your always so nice"... I say... "It's a LOT of work to be nice you should try it"  (@kenny_wallace)

My flash back for today came from a phone conversation I had this week with my cousins.  We often break in to movie quotes or song... this is the song that popped out this week and totally took me back to high school ;-)

That's all I have for this edition.  Y'all have a great weekend!!  We are hitting Virginia for a friend's house and BBQ ribs....mmmmmmm!!!!  Also garage sales, my, I mean kids are growing on me ;-)

Written by,


  1. Oh no, I hope your dryer recovers soon. I can't imagine how much more work that would add.

  2. So do the kids have a new appreciation for Mom and all the laundry she has to fold? ;)

  3. Folding stiff clothes is difficult! I hope that dryer gets back on track for you.

    Those texts were great! and it's so true about stereotypes. They came about because it's a common thing about a group of people. lol
